The Mool Shanti Yagya/ Puja is performed to remove the negative effects of the person’s moon position in Ashlesha, Moola, Aswini, Magha, Revati, and Jyeshtha. According to the native chart, the Yajna can be combined with Homam to Durga, Ganesha, Siva or Vishnu or with the Homam of Navgrah Shanti. The Mool Shanti Yagya is done to keep up the Health of the person, Health of the kids and to remove the Navgrah Dosha.
Benefits of Mool Shanti Yagya
The Mool Shanti Yagya is very helpful in the life of a person as it benefits the human being in the enhancement of character and brings the positive feelings by reducing all the ill effects of the Nakshatra, which was due to the specific birth time.
All the physical condition related issues are being removed and the life is being lived with full of wealth.
The danger to near and dear ones due to birth at inauspicious time is also averted.